people for inspiration

We can't deny that along the way we have met some extraordinary people in our lives. Though this was well before Sweets was my live in, full time mutt companion, in a fomer life I had some awesome times, swimming competitively though my middle and high school years. What really shaped my drive as an athlete and competitor was swimming on the Washington YMCA team with Coach Steve and Cathy. I literally went from swimming in lane 1 to being picked out of the pack and put with the "big boys" (and girls) which upped my game considerably, had me anchoring the relay events and time trialing for Nationals. During those years I was surrounded by some of the best athletes and people that I've come to know, among them Marissa Boyan. In the off season, we'd see each other at track meets, as she truly was just as amazing in the pool as she was as a distance runner. A humble soul that was encouraging, goofy and always at the top of her game. After 7 years of battling recurring brain tumors, and one old swim buddy swimming the English Channel to raise money a scholarship fund in her name, she has died at 26. So, it's not always about the rainbows and unicorns, or even the puppies right? Marissa was just as inspiring when I knew her at a teenager, as she was at 26. So, it's here that we recognize an old friend and forever an inspiration, and we're grateful to have known her.

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