critters return

Well, if it wasn't in the pasture, then it's got to be the woods. Sweets has begun obcessing at a new spot, and today indeed, as she was leashed up and shamefully (I imagine it's like being caught sneaking out), walked back up to the house, we heard some' "thing" making noise in that hole. So, once again, the live trap is set- for what we don't know.

Again, it's a perfect example of single event learning. Ever since one scuffle with a ground hog, she is 99% of the time will run directly into the pasture. Now, that she has discovered a new critter, about 50% of the time, she runs to the pasture and 50% of the time, breezes by the barn and heads for the woods. Which made me think- if I planted something that she is motivated by- turkey feathers, etc. in the pasture, would she be more likely to continue to run there...

We'll see. There is nothing that competes with whatever is under that rock. How do I know? Physically she is panting, eyes bulging, nose trailing on the ground and will consistently try to circle back, break loose and go to that spot. No meatball will fit the bill, so, in the meantime, the trap is set, the leash is on and romping in the pasture will be handsomely reawarded.

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