Cold Weather Can be Fun

When it's chilly outside, may folks may see slip ups in house training, or simply more destruction from your run of the mill cabin fever. If you're dog certainly doesn't love to romp outside, here are a few things to ease the pain.

1. Try an all weather or rain coat. It may look silly, but can make all the difference.

2. Slippery sidewalks? Paw wax can be used as needed to give your dogs a little extra grip on the icy streets.

3. Find it! If you have a pup or a dog that is new to the snow- toss bits of hot dog or cheese outside to make the outside a bit more attractive and a "good thing".

4. If you see an increase in house training mishaps, go back to basics and keep an eagle eye on your dogs (or simply use gates, crates and tethers to manage and prevent accidents).

5. Also if your dog refuses to go in the back or front yard- try mulch or a piddle pad to give them options outside (that may save the carpet).

Now that we curbed the accidents, let's look at what we can do to keep our dogs busy.

1. Feed your dogs from toys that dispense food- Kongs, Tricky Treat Balls, Kibble Nibbles or even containers headed for the recycling bin.

2. Play games- tugging, hiding treats, toys for shredding are great for stress relief.

3. Tricks and Training- 5 minutes of basic training is probably equivalent to about 10 minute walk. Train some tricks and tire out the dog.

4. Long lasting chewies- frozen beef bones can be a good 30-40 minutes of chewing!

Stay warm, and keep those puppies tuckered!

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