If there is one thing you can count on with your companion, it's that their behavior is always changing. That dog that was happy and easy going 6 months ago, may not be the same dog that is walking beside you today.
As your dog gets older, things that have become well rehearsed or have become a part of their behavioral repertoire, are likely to stay in place or intensify. So, what to do when your notice a mole hill is becoming a mountain?
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt
Behavior is behavior is behavior. Stop making excuses for what you're seeing. If you've been saying...."he must be tired or crabby today", "that other dog started it", "it wasn't his fault", it's time to give it up!
What behavior is your dog exhibiting that concerns you?
It's now time to get clear about what your dog is doing that you don't "agree" with. With my dog Tater, it's "posturing and growling at other dogs when greeting".
Is the behavior appropriate in context?
For example, if Tater as growling when a dog approached him frontally, barking lunging, then his response would be appropriate, in the context. However, if the context is the other dogs is soliciting social contact and he is growling and posturing- then, in my opinion, then it is not an appropriate response in the context.
What now?
Well, now that we are over the Denial stage, we're gathering our collective history in my memory.
Here's what it looks like thus far....
1. Tater was always cautious and tentative around dogs- with his older sister, it took about 2 weeks for him to begin to play.
2. His appropriate response when conflicted is/was to sit down- appropriate.
3. Greeted at least 5 dogs prior to 10 months that were not socially savvy and he was scared in response
4. On hikes- rarely had the opportunity to greet dogs, and has barked at dogs in the past
5. When greeting dogs in the past month- stops about 10 feet short, gets stiff, still, hackles up and unsure of how to proceed. With puppies (males in particular) he will freeze, hackles up and growl- this has happened about 5 times.
Next Steps- the most important part!
1. Management-
Limited opportunities to practice this behavior with dogs and only controlled greeting with Ghandhi dogs.
2. Remedial Socialization-
For the next two months were going to intensely work on his reaction to greeting dogs on leash- only ghadhi dogs- dogs that will do everything RIGHT and not respond or get hooked by any posturing/growling:
Leeloo, Yumi, Jean's dog and Acacia (tons of butt sniffing) and Denise Bash's Peanut- a true Ghadhi.
3. Practiced greetings with our fake dog (facing away, then sideways, then front facing greetings)
4. Consider or schedule neutering- as with any intact males response- their reactivity will be more intense due to hormones (according to K. Overall).
Houston, we have a problem!
If you have concerns, jump the gun! Really, don't wait for something nuclear to happen to then determine that your dog is now in the danger zone. The earlier you can manage and modify behavior, increases your odds of success long term!